Wednesday 4 March 2015

Culture of Trinidad and Tobago 

Trinidad and Tobago is made up of different religions, ethnic beliefs, festivals, food, and people making the country multicultural. Trinidad and Tobago’s religions include, Hinduism, Catholicism, Islam, Anglican, Presbyterian, Baptists, Seventh Day Adventists and Pentecostals. Having such a diverse amount of religions, there is a wide variety of religious occasions celebrated. Such occasions are, Good Friday, Easter, Spiritual Baptist, Corpus Christi, Divali, Phagaw or Holi, Eid-ul-Fitr, Hosay and Christmas Day.

One major event that represents the culture of Trinidad and Tobago is Carnival also known as the “Greatest Show on Earth”.  Carnival is an out-burst of music, colour, revelry and creativity. Carnival was originated from the Catholic religion in Italy, they would host a celebration right before they started to fast for lent. Lent is a period where Catholics are not allowed to eat meat. When the European countries conquered Trinidad they brought their tradition with them. Carnival was also influence by African tradition, African slaves held their own celebrations of masks and costumes around burning and harvesting sugar cane. They would mimic their master while combining folklore and rituals.  After the abolishment of slavery, Africans started to celebrate their own Carnival on the streets as a way to express their culture and power. Carnival has become an important and prominent part of Trinidad and Tobago’s culture. Carnival is always celebrated on a Monday and Tuesday.  There is pre-celebration called, J’Ouvert (meaning break of dawn) which comprise of people dressed in costumes of body paint, mud and oil. Carnival also has a lot of music, and musicians as well as bands performing during the two day festival. This event is sponsored by numerous people, businesses and the government of Trinidad and Tobago.  Carnival is one event that brings world renowned personnel to the islands. 

This link provides more insite on Carnival, origin, and pre-events leading up to the big days

Video Retrieved from: 

 Have you ever experience Carnival?

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