Sunday 8 March 2015

Trinidad Attraction

Trinidad is known for its beautiful, clear and sandy beaches, wild life, landscape and rich natural resources. Upon visiting the island you can choose from number of beaches located throughout the northern, eastern, western and southern coastline of the island. The names of the main beaches are Maracas Bay, Las Cuevas, Blanchisseuse, Macqueripe, Toco, Manzanilla, Mayaro, Columbus Bay, Vessigny and Cedros. There are also many beautiful waterfalls located in the northern coast of the island, close to Maracas Beach and Blanchisseuse Beach. There are many rivers where you can bade, cook, picnic, and relax; the most famous river is Caura River. Off the North West coast of Trinidad is a group of six small islands called the Five Islands, you can take a boat and visit the different islands. Along the northern and eastern coast of Trinidad there are nesting grounds for sea turtles. There are five types of sea turtles Leatherbacks, Loggerheads, Olive Ridleys, Green Turtles and Hawksbills. Nesting seasons start from March to September of each year, you can view the turtles on three main beaches Matura, Fishing Pond and Grande Riviere.

You can take in the beautiful site seeing of the mountain range and bird watching. The wild life on the islands are protected so to preserve its species. You can go bird watching from the Caroni Bird Sanctuary, they have daily tour boats that goes around the swamp where you can see our national bird the Scarlet Ibis.   The southern part of the island is known for having refineries, wells and the amazing Pitch Lake. The Pitch Lake is located in La Brea in the southwest part of Trinidad, it is the largest natural sum of asphalt in the world. The Devil’s Wood Yard is a mud volcano, hot steaming mud flows from the crater of the volcano. Lopinot has many historical artifacts, one major attraction is the cocoa estate, as well as a museum with artifacts from the Arawaks and Caribs.  

Sunset Cedros Beach

Macqueripe Beach 
Maracas Beach

Video Retrieved from

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